Returns & Refund Policy


Since we are committed to providing the highest customer support, we offer easy return, replacement, and refund facilities for the products that for some reason did not meet the desired expectation. We ensure the product return, replacement, and refund with the following criteria:

When you can claim a return or refund?

  • Delivery of wrong product. If the product is not the same one that you ordered or found a mismatch in the product description that is mentioned on the website.
  • If the product has any defect by Happy Haat.
  • Box with missing products.

How to return & replace the product or claim a refund?

  • The product must be must be checked in front of the delivery man.
  • If any defect is found or did not meet the desired expectation, immediately contact us (Happy Haat Customer Service team, our Hotline Number - 09611900222 or WhatsApp us at - 01890030303)
  • Contact us through Hotline Number - 09611900222, Facebook or or WhatsApp us at - 01890030303 and notify the return or refund issue with the order number.
  • Mention the valid reason as mentioned above for a return or refund.
  • If there is a damage concern, the customer is required to show that Happy Haat is to blame. We need evidence of not required goods in this regard.


Things that must need to know.

  • Please check your products in front of riders or courier service agents to avail of return, replacement, and refund facilities.
  • The customer will bear the delivery cost to return any product for a refund or replacement.
  • To avail of a full refund, the customer must return the product/s to our address in absolutely good condition.
  • Replacement of a product is subject to the availability of the same on Happy Haat.
  • In case of a damage issue, the customer must prove that it happened from Happy Haat’s end. In this regard, we require proof of undesired goods.
  • Refunding the amount through the online banking transaction may take time upto 7 to 10 working days. We try to do our part as fast as possible to initiate the refund for our all-valued customers.
  • As per digital policy under clause 3.5.1, Happy Haat will bear all costs associated with a refund.
  • Happy Haat will refund the amount, if the customer has already made an advance payment against the order, within 10 working days considering the conditions mentioned above.

Return/replacement may not apply in any of the following conditions

  • Damages due to misuse of the product
  • Incidental damage due to malfunctioning of the product
  • Any consumable item which has been used or unsealed.
  • Any product that is returned without all original packaging and accessories, including the box, Happy Haat's packaging, etc. that is originally included with the product(s) delivered.


# For any further queries, please contact us on our Hotline Number - 09611900222 or Whatsapp us on - 01890030303. Also, you can email us at